Friday, November 11, 2016

2016m11d10 Do they have bowling alley ?

Wow today I went to the Whitehouse to have a meeting with the knowitall.  You know what I am saying..... the Prez ( Black Barack   BB ) thinks he is an intellect    99.99999 out of one hundred     Hey i don't care    in another 2 months he is out of there   and his loser bud , the witch , will never get to be POTUS.  I think BB has his head wired to keep it from exploding ..... from the gas

I just want to find out i the whitehouse has a bowling alley    and laso is it as nice as my personal suites at the Tcasinos ?   Pretty much my advisors made me go to meet with BB.  Do I really have to ?
Trump & Obama chat

After all the trouble of getting to and into the whitehouse .... how boring .... i did not get to do anything fun.   Just sat next to BB as he prattled on about how things are done.   Do i care ?  He is not the boss of me   .... for not after Jan. 1    I can tell he hates me .... his eye twitches  and he keeps checking his clothes for wrinkles    I think he wanted to ask me about my hair

Anyway   he droned on about red buttons and codes and secret passages   .... i do not remember what he said ........ I am sure newt knows all these things     it will be fun to bounce on the Lincoln bed  ...... now there was a guy who knew how to deal with the media   he just threw them in prison

While it is fun to have all the ass-kissers around , i just gotta get rid of some of the pomp .... it is long and boring .... sort of like sitting in church will they do the chants and stuff ...... i only liked the part  when they said you got the seven virgins  ..... that is a christian thing isn't it ?   It's been so long.

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