Thursday, November 24, 2016

2016m11d24 There is no edge case .. no limits

I started running for president cuz it was fun and it got me a lot of attention.   I promised myself i would never take it seriously.  i just started doing crazy things and hired a small staff to take care of the real work ( the not fun stuff ).

Every time i made an appearance at a rally or held a press conference .... i tried to be consistent  and i tried to be off the charts.  i wanted to see what would happen if i simply ignored conventional political conventions and approaches.

i want people to like me.... i really do .... i like being famous even more.... i like being able to do stuff that other people don't have permission to do.  I am amazed every day that people are paying so much attention to me.  I like it a lot.  How long will it keep on keeping on ?  i have no idea.  But wow   i get such a rush at all the surrealistic things that are happening.  Being rich let me do all sorts of crazy things.  I got to marry a nifty looking babe..... she has been pretty nice ... she does not hassle me ... she gets that she has freedom to spend money and she likes that.  She does not demand a piece of my soul ...  i think she is pretty damn street smart.  Well sorry  i got kind of side-tracked.

So i just keep saying crazy things and doing crazy things.  Winning some primaries.  Getting the repub nomination.  these happenings are just beyond the twightlight zone.  should i stop ?  i just feel a compulsion to keep pushing .... to see where the limits are ..... to see if there is a cliff edge that i will fall off.  ( this thought gives me the shivers .... creepy )

Sometimes i back off and try to be conventional.   like when i met with ObiWanBamBam ( Barack Obama .... editor ).  I know he hates me .... he knows i think he is boiled shit.  but we sat there with pasty grins on our faces.  Wow after that mess i had to get some nookie and some booze in me to chill out.  i just try to let the staff ( TS ) do their thing.  the meetings with TS ( TS = The Staff .... editor ) can be really boring.... i just tell them what i want to happen and what i believe in and basically say " make it so "   it has worked out better than i expected.

PRESIDENT ..... i am president i think the witch is going to do everything she can trip me up.  I told some mutual acquaintances that if she backs off i will not bring the POTUS hammer down on her.
Being president means being more responsible ????? i hate that feeling.  i am trying to get people on my team that will do the right thing .... maybe Mike ( Mike = Gov. Mike Pence .... editor ) will keep it all together.

I am going to keep doing and saying crazy fun things.  What can they do to me ?  impeach me ?  i don't care.  look at how cockclinton  ( Bill Clinton.... editor ) weasled out of his impeachment ..... man those clowns who tried him were/are chickenshit.  i mean .... look at the clown suits some of them wore  !!!!!   if i was impeached i would not bother to show up on time and i would twist them up.

i could not do anything to harm the USA ( or the world ) unless a lot of idiots let me.  So if anything bad happens ... it is not my fault.

Now i am going to hop in bed with my teddy bear and watch some MMA.  Whoooooooooooo   sigh

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