Friday, November 11, 2016

2016m11d11 i want to blow up BBcare

Just grind today   .........   i want to tear  ,  smash  , stomp   Obamacare.   My advisors are saying i can't do that .... what fun is being POTUS if you can't run through Washington D.C. like that japanese monster Gonzilla       knock down buildings ,   sparks , electricity  ,  and scream    wronk wonk , rrrrrarrrrrr ?

gotta get rid of those advisors ..... this is like being in the psycho ward .... everyone is quient and pleasant  but they WON'T LET YOU DO ANYTHING


PS ....I had a great idea for a reality show    "Trump for a Day"    I will have people send in their name and ideas  ....the winners get to be Trump for a day.    They will have to wear a rubber Trump mask.  But they can't touch my things or use Air Force One  .... maybe Air Force 2
Maybe they have to be on an island and beat some other people up to be Trump for a day.

How hilarious ( rymes with Hillary the Witch ) it would be to have Danny Devito or Scarlett Johanson be Trump for a Day.  Or Kevin Durant  or Stephen Curry.  Does the whitehouse have a basketball court ?


  1. Europeans have offered a boatlift for Americans wishing to self exile. Will Trump blockade it? Or set up a special marina and charge them docking fees?

    1. i can see me setting up a TRUMP AQUA CASINO where those losers can spend their money also we can use convicted flag burners as employees at the casino.
