Thursday, December 8, 2016

2016m12d08 Assassination i don't want to die

Several of my advisors have told me that I am making an assassination target of myself.

The most dangerous thing I have done is suggest that MIC projects be cancelled.  Military Industrial Complex contracts are big , elaborate , over-priced ..... and many are completely uncalled for.   ..... Lots of leeches are living off these moneytrees   .... they are paying for their children's braces.

This monkey flow is threatened when I complain about these projects.  These people have connections to snipers , assassins and the like.  If I get enough of these people pissed off .... i may end up filled with holes in my body   ...... or I may have a fatal car accident .... or mistakenly swallow some poison.

Maybe being POTUS is not a good idea.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

2016m12d06 Henry Kissinger

I am meeting with Henry Kissinger.
My advisor say this is a good idea ..... ahahahhhahaaa

#1   i was surprised this lizard was still alive.  i think he must be 200 years old.  He certainly looks like he has already died.  He is creepy.  He looks creepy.  He speaks in a creepy way.  I bet he smells bad.

#2  i think HK is somebody you would not get angry at you.  He knows lots of powerful people and for some reason they do things for him.  Does he know of a lot of secret crimes among his acquaintances ?

#3  HK is a great example of how someone can get away with anything in D.C.   He is a war criminal who is admired/hated/feared  depending on who you are.  He tried to date Jackie Kennedy  I wonder what she was like in the sack ?????

#4   I am curious as to whether he will know anything about China that will be useful.  Some of my advisors have told me it is foolish to get too involved in understanding foreign points of view. I have been told to be clear about my goals and leave it to my staff to translate that to the various gooks I have to deal with.

#5   Would it not be a laugh if I actually liked HK ????

Thursday, December 1, 2016

2016m12d01 more reasons to burn people at the stake

I have already said that no one should do business outside the USA.   "Companies are not going to leave anymore without consequences." Buy USA , keep money in the USA , keep jobs in the USA.

I will enable the Homeland Security to start monitoring businesses and consumers for patriotic economic decisions. We will make up the infractions as we go ...... any patriotic person can guess what they will be.

No more kid gloves like fines ( although i can use the money ) or prison ( expensive but don't cut back on the industry ) ..... i will add a better option:
burning at the stake ( *bats* ) plus thumbscrews , the strappado and other good ideas from historic books.....

Thanks to my staff .... some of these ideas were all theirs.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

2016m11d30 reading books can be fun

hello diary     i did not actually read these books   ( nor do i actually write this blog .... that is what staff is for    i dictate most of this stuff )

two cool books that my staff read for me
The theory of everything  (ttoe)  by jeremy bernstein
the secret history of lucifer  (tshol) by lynn picknett

oh yahhhhh     castro died and he is being remembered as a good guy by some and a schmuck by others .... but he is being remembered .... looks to me that having lots of projects can be a good way to be remembered.... does not matter how many people get killed or mangled on the way to victory   ( Kant would laugh his ass off on that one )  i just wonder how you measure literacy in Cuba ??????   do you pass the literacy test or else ?  just wondering ?

i wonder if we can build a floating wall between Cuba and Florida   it would not actually accomplish anything but wow .... think of PR possibilities    Trump Aqua Wall ( thought that name up myself )    Also how about Trump Wall of Amigo-ship ( between mexico and texas.    I am SOPM ( spending other people's money ) and i don't go out of business if the idea is a total flop.

i think the flag burning thing is one of my best ideas.   if someone burns a flag ( does it have to be an american flag .... i don't think so )  they are a terrorist and they lose their citizenship , get some jail time  and get put on a terrorist list.  sort of like being on a child molester list.  the cool thing about these list is that you can be slam-dunked for thinking about, writing about , planning , making drawings , etc.    you don't actually have to molest a kid or burn a flag.   ( someone tells me this is a "virtual crime "  .... a think crime    And if you are rich ( which means you are not some gutter trawler ) you get to buy "get out of trouble cards"  ( gootc )  it is a good idea to make sure the systems you set up don't bite *you* ( moi ) in the ass......
 also i think we can deport anyone that is a flag burner .....
then some smart ass said where do we deport someone born in Colorado ?  well..... how about guantamo... gwnaamo .... you know , gitmo
plenty of cool things that the US military can make out of cuba....   did you know it is close to Cancun ?   maybe we can annex that place as well.

i learned from tshol that "the rule of thumb" was about beating you wife with a stick that was smaller that the diameter of your thumb.  being an early christian power person ( for guys only ) meant you could burn women for being smart asses.  Really easy to prove someone was a witch  ( this could definitely work for us regarding flag burning ) cuz you could ask them questions after you had stripped them, tied them up, hung them by their thumbs ( none of that was considered torture ) and you could keep asking questions until you got them to quit lying.  then you could get to the bottom of things.

ttoe was cool cuz it shows that science guys are not the big brains they think they are.  they keep changing their minds about how science stuff really works.  can't they get it right after all these years ?  anyway i can see that global warming is one of those science things that you can always find find some x-spurts to argue about it.  So i think we pretty much ignore it other than to create some federal programs.   anyway Guy McPherson says we are dead extinct in less than 10 years.  ( i wonder if i can get re-elected in 4 years ...... hard to believe i can stand it that long anyway .... boring )

some more thoughts ......  tshol has some great examples of torture  .... the best was burning people at the stake....   sometimes they even pulled a half-burned roasted toasted human marshmallow out of the flames to marinate for an hour of hell before staking them up again.
So "burning at the stake" [ *bats* ] looks to be an excellent alternative to prison or deportation.  traitors to America ( i know one when i see one ) should be roasted on pay for view ..... a good way to balance the budget   ....... look how popular "the octagon" is   ......hmm  we could also feed people to zoo animals as a pay for view event.   imagine what we can do with 3D video and body cams.....
i could set up an Trump patriotism event center   *TPEC*.     How about audience participation ? brilliant !!!!

Friday, November 25, 2016

2016m11d25 Global Warming gives me a pass

I just learned we are all dead in less than 10 years.
So I am free to do anything I damn well please.  
And as POTUS .... I will have the power......  farewell , mr. huggles  ( Trump's stuffed teddy bear ... editor )

According to a SCYNTOOST .....    ( scientist ... editor ) 

There's no point trying to fight climate change - we'll all be dead in the next decade and there's nothing we can do to stop it, a visiting scientist claims.
Guy McPherson, a biology professor at the University of Arizona, says the human destruction of our own habitat is leading towards the world's sixth mass extinction.
Instead of fighting, he says we should just embrace it and live life while we can.

"We don't have 10 years. The problem is when I give a number like that, people think it's going to be business as usual until nine years [and] 364 days."


My Ideas:
= Go riding with Putin   steal fake flamingo birds
= Set off a couple nuclear bombs
= Hold a world-wide "Hunt for Elvis" Festival.
     Lots of parties , invasions by US Military to promote the partee    ( party ... editor ) 
= Global Wet T-shirt contest featuring the witch and darkGirl 
                    ( Hillary Clinton & Michelle Obama ... editor ) 
= Make monopoly money the world currency
= make "dunk booth"   using Obama , the witch , darkGirl , and my enemies list

signed:  the DONALD

Thursday, November 24, 2016

2016m11d24 There is no edge case .. no limits

I started running for president cuz it was fun and it got me a lot of attention.   I promised myself i would never take it seriously.  i just started doing crazy things and hired a small staff to take care of the real work ( the not fun stuff ).

Every time i made an appearance at a rally or held a press conference .... i tried to be consistent  and i tried to be off the charts.  i wanted to see what would happen if i simply ignored conventional political conventions and approaches.

i want people to like me.... i really do .... i like being famous even more.... i like being able to do stuff that other people don't have permission to do.  I am amazed every day that people are paying so much attention to me.  I like it a lot.  How long will it keep on keeping on ?  i have no idea.  But wow   i get such a rush at all the surrealistic things that are happening.  Being rich let me do all sorts of crazy things.  I got to marry a nifty looking babe..... she has been pretty nice ... she does not hassle me ... she gets that she has freedom to spend money and she likes that.  She does not demand a piece of my soul ...  i think she is pretty damn street smart.  Well sorry  i got kind of side-tracked.

So i just keep saying crazy things and doing crazy things.  Winning some primaries.  Getting the repub nomination.  these happenings are just beyond the twightlight zone.  should i stop ?  i just feel a compulsion to keep pushing .... to see where the limits are ..... to see if there is a cliff edge that i will fall off.  ( this thought gives me the shivers .... creepy )

Sometimes i back off and try to be conventional.   like when i met with ObiWanBamBam ( Barack Obama .... editor ).  I know he hates me .... he knows i think he is boiled shit.  but we sat there with pasty grins on our faces.  Wow after that mess i had to get some nookie and some booze in me to chill out.  i just try to let the staff ( TS ) do their thing.  the meetings with TS ( TS = The Staff .... editor ) can be really boring.... i just tell them what i want to happen and what i believe in and basically say " make it so "   it has worked out better than i expected.

PRESIDENT ..... i am president i think the witch is going to do everything she can trip me up.  I told some mutual acquaintances that if she backs off i will not bring the POTUS hammer down on her.
Being president means being more responsible ????? i hate that feeling.  i am trying to get people on my team that will do the right thing .... maybe Mike ( Mike = Gov. Mike Pence .... editor ) will keep it all together.

I am going to keep doing and saying crazy fun things.  What can they do to me ?  impeach me ?  i don't care.  look at how cockclinton  ( Bill Clinton.... editor ) weasled out of his impeachment ..... man those clowns who tried him were/are chickenshit.  i mean .... look at the clown suits some of them wore  !!!!!   if i was impeached i would not bother to show up on time and i would twist them up.

i could not do anything to harm the USA ( or the world ) unless a lot of idiots let me.  So if anything bad happens ... it is not my fault.

Now i am going to hop in bed with my teddy bear and watch some MMA.  Whoooooooooooo   sigh

Friday, November 18, 2016

2016m11d18 The thrill of it all ....... i am a prisoner

Motorcades are a fun thing......    lots of people kissing my ass ..... lots of sirens and people busting their ass for me ..... what a laugh !    This is what they mean by being a public servant ....... I get served by a lot of suckers ....... I keep being told how many people have to kiss my ass but then I get told that I "have" to do certain things ..... where is the freedom ?

I thought I would turn the US Government upside down....... but mostly I rubber stamp what a bunch of advisors tell me what to do .....    I get threatened a lot .... I feel less safe than I did when I was just a rich guy ......

Friday, November 11, 2016

2016m11d11 i want to blow up BBcare

Just grind today   .........   i want to tear  ,  smash  , stomp   Obamacare.   My advisors are saying i can't do that .... what fun is being POTUS if you can't run through Washington D.C. like that japanese monster Gonzilla       knock down buildings ,   sparks , electricity  ,  and scream    wronk wonk , rrrrrarrrrrr ?

gotta get rid of those advisors ..... this is like being in the psycho ward .... everyone is quient and pleasant  but they WON'T LET YOU DO ANYTHING


PS ....I had a great idea for a reality show    "Trump for a Day"    I will have people send in their name and ideas  ....the winners get to be Trump for a day.    They will have to wear a rubber Trump mask.  But they can't touch my things or use Air Force One  .... maybe Air Force 2
Maybe they have to be on an island and beat some other people up to be Trump for a day.

How hilarious ( rymes with Hillary the Witch ) it would be to have Danny Devito or Scarlett Johanson be Trump for a Day.  Or Kevin Durant  or Stephen Curry.  Does the whitehouse have a basketball court ?

2016m11d10 Do they have bowling alley ?

Wow today I went to the Whitehouse to have a meeting with the knowitall.  You know what I am saying..... the Prez ( Black Barack   BB ) thinks he is an intellect    99.99999 out of one hundred     Hey i don't care    in another 2 months he is out of there   and his loser bud , the witch , will never get to be POTUS.  I think BB has his head wired to keep it from exploding ..... from the gas

I just want to find out i the whitehouse has a bowling alley    and laso is it as nice as my personal suites at the Tcasinos ?   Pretty much my advisors made me go to meet with BB.  Do I really have to ?
Trump & Obama chat

After all the trouble of getting to and into the whitehouse .... how boring .... i did not get to do anything fun.   Just sat next to BB as he prattled on about how things are done.   Do i care ?  He is not the boss of me   .... for not after Jan. 1    I can tell he hates me .... his eye twitches  and he keeps checking his clothes for wrinkles    I think he wanted to ask me about my hair

Anyway   he droned on about red buttons and codes and secret passages   .... i do not remember what he said ........ I am sure newt knows all these things     it will be fun to bounce on the Lincoln bed  ...... now there was a guy who knew how to deal with the media   he just threw them in prison

While it is fun to have all the ass-kissers around , i just gotta get rid of some of the pomp .... it is long and boring .... sort of like sitting in church will they do the chants and stuff ...... i only liked the part  when they said you got the seven virgins  ..... that is a christian thing isn't it ?   It's been so long.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

2016m11d09 Ha the witch is dead

dear di      hahaha

today i had happy feet    all three of them ha
PussyMelt gave me round the world last nite cuz i am going to be POTUS soon.....    POTUS means i am president ( i looked it up )  of practically everything

First thing i might do is make Gwantannamo into a resort....... get some flamingos and a lot of pink paint .....   cover thestains
those guys that are there can stay ... or go ....whatever
they can mow the weeds and serve drinks   .... oh yeah some of them are against alcohol......  well i will give those guys a plane ticket to France or maybe .....i don't know   ill ask them

the ones that stay can paint stuff
i am going to call Trump and Castro Fun Run Party Resort   i have to check with the boys to make sure it is okay  ...... they are sure to say yes when they see the water slide .......and the Buena Vista Social Club Trump Bar   .... free drinks for there buds  and they will be silent partners      also plenty of p***y if you know what i mean   i will have get Putin down and ride horses.

Can you believe it ?????????????????  I aM the PREZ !!

i drew a picture of me striking out theWitch.

2016m11d08 election nite

Dear diary,

wow i got to stay up late tonite   ........
i was still up when the witch called me and admitted she was a loser.

i was sooooooo excited cuz i thought i was mince meat
PussyMelt told me to chill out   i was two excited
i gave her the indian sign   probably no nook tonite ???

anyway  the poles were wrong   i am a winner
never give up never surender

Wednesday i am going to start making some file cards that have my great ideas

666witch   666election